
May 31, 2012

St. George and the Strangest Race

I call this race the s tranges trace because I always considered myself down, ou t, and nearly dead for the majori ty of the race.  Only in maybe the las thalf of the mara thon did I think any thing good would come of this endeavor. I twas jus t so funky, windy, treacherous,…

May 31, 2012

Klamath Falls Training Camp

  Following my trip to Pear Blossom, I immedia tely headed up to Klama th Falls, abou t a 1.5 hour drive eas t.  I was really in teres ted to check ou tthis area of the coun try, seeing tha tis a t medium al ti tude (4200 fee t) wi thou thaving to…

May 7, 2012

See you at the Pig, Meet you at the Pear

7th at Duathlon Nationals, 2nd place at Pear Blossom The Pig The race season is just underway, and with it my resentment and hatred towards Seattleweather has all but melted away, and in its place is a sense of gratitude and awe on account of the hospitality of people I have met and beauty of…