race report

January 1, 2017

2016 Season Highlights

2016 was finally the year where I was able to get back to some serious triathlon training after having a couple seasons where I was competing half-injured.  Not surprisingly, this resulted in much better race performances!  I guess training does work after all!   Early Season I like racing in the spring because I can…

June 24, 2013

Ironman Couer d’Alene Bike Setup

I have been working on pretty much have the sweetest bike set-up imaginable for Ironman and was stoked to do a little dry run today at Ironman Couer d’Alene.  An injury kept me from training during the crucial final weeks before the race, so I did the swim, bike, and 12 miles of the run,…

April 29, 2013

Long Course Duathlon Nationals

Hey all!  I finally picked up a win at USAT Long Course Duathlon Nationals in Enumclaw, hosted by BUDU Racing.  More than just a race, it was the first real test after several months of difficult base training. I’ve done this course several times before, and even though its been over a decade, I was…

January 31, 2013

USAT Winter Nationals Heart Rate Data

This is how you race at alititude for 70 minutes.  Don’t go out too hard or you will blow up, then peg it at just under your lactate threshold.  Your ceiling heart rate is much lower than at sea level.  For example, I felt close to maxed out on portions of the run, but my…

January 31, 2013

Two Wheel Drift

USAT Winter Nationals The USAT Winter Triathlon Nationals is a not-too-often compilation of three sports: running, mountain-biking (in the snow no less), and cross-country skate skiing.  You would be lucky to find one of these events in your state per year.  I tried my luck in the 2009 Nationals event in Bend, OR, and got…

October 20, 2012

The Way She Goes

Ironman Canada– August 26 Canadawas supposed to be my “A” race for the season.  Hah!  I t’s funny how things work ou twhen you don’ t expec tthem (S t. George) and don’ t work ou twhen you plan for them to (Canada).  My nu tri tion definitely did not work ou t for the…

October 19, 2012

What a Cluster

We did it!  A phrase Andrew Fast and I coined has finally become the name of a nation-wide flavor of ice cream.  I knew it was only a matter of time with the vast quantities of ice cream I consume!  “What a Cluster” is not only delicious, but accurately describes my racing exploits and those…