
December 30, 2014

Using a Control Sheet

Using a Control Sheet We’re deep into the off-season and it’s that time of year when cyclists and triathletes become a little bit more concerned with “infrastructure” improvements.  That is, we start to improve our indoor training space, look for new equipment, sell off the old, and are generally more willing to try new things…

April 3, 2014

Tritheos Podcast #1 – Mike Sayenko Pro Marathoner

Matt interviews pro marathoner Mike Sayenko, who tells us about his spiritual journey and how a relationship with God gave meaning to his running career.  He also discusses how Jesus transformed the face of the entire UW distance team. Listen to this episode Download this episode (right click and save)

March 8, 2014

Northwest Race Report – Impact

Matt discusses Cross-Country ski racing at Cabin Creek, as well as discussing the impact you might have on other athletes. Listen to this episode Download this episode (right click and save)

May 31, 2012

Klamath Falls Training Camp

  Following my trip to Pear Blossom, I immedia tely headed up to Klama th Falls, abou t a 1.5 hour drive eas t.  I was really in teres ted to check ou tthis area of the coun try, seeing tha tis a t medium al ti tude (4200 fee t) wi thou thaving to…

March 23, 2011

Some thoughts on triathlon training

Many people like to ask me questions about training, thinking I have all the answers as a pro; but in reality, I am really still in the learning process with triathlon training. I have only been at it for a couple years! Here are a couple quick observations/suggestions from this winter. Feel free to throw…