
February 4, 2017

Best Treadmills of 2017

Here in La Grande we haven’t seen much dry pavement the entire winter!  Most of the time the roads are compact snow and ice.  This can make running dicey, and sometimes you feel like it’s a toss up to go for the improved fitness and run outside or stay inside and ensure you don’t hurt…

September 12, 2016

Scott T2 Palani 2.0 Running Shoe Review

  Review from Pro Triathlete Matt Sheeks   The Scott T2 Palani 2.0 may be just the ticket for you if you want a lightweight training shoe that is up to virtually any task.  Shelby from Run 26, a local running shoe store in my area, gave me these shoes to test out, and they…

April 3, 2014

Tritheos Podcast #1 – Mike Sayenko Pro Marathoner

Matt interviews pro marathoner Mike Sayenko, who tells us about his spiritual journey and how a relationship with God gave meaning to his running career.  He also discusses how Jesus transformed the face of the entire UW distance team. Listen to this episode Download this episode (right click and save)

May 7, 2012

See you at the Pig, Meet you at the Pear

7th at Duathlon Nationals, 2nd place at Pear Blossom The Pig The race season is just underway, and with it my resentment and hatred towards Seattleweather has all but melted away, and in its place is a sense of gratitude and awe on account of the hospitality of people I have met and beauty of…