
April 1, 2013

Did Jesus rise from death?

  Discover the Evidence, Decide for yourself. Can you discount the resurrection of Jesus?  I can’t.  The trouble is, if the resurrection did not happen, one has to answer the following questions regarding Jesus death and the subsequent founding of Christianity with a better explanation than the resurrection:   1. Who was Jesus? – All historical…

January 31, 2013

USAT Winter Nationals Heart Rate Data

This is how you race at alititude for 70 minutes.  Don’t go out too hard or you will blow up, then peg it at just under your lactate threshold.  Your ceiling heart rate is much lower than at sea level.  For example, I felt close to maxed out on portions of the run, but my…

January 31, 2013

Two Wheel Drift

USAT Winter Nationals The USAT Winter Triathlon Nationals is a not-too-often compilation of three sports: running, mountain-biking (in the snow no less), and cross-country skate skiing.  You would be lucky to find one of these events in your state per year.  I tried my luck in the 2009 Nationals event in Bend, OR, and got…

October 20, 2012

The Way She Goes

Ironman Canada– August 26 Canadawas supposed to be my “A” race for the season.  Hah!  I t’s funny how things work ou twhen you don’ t expec tthem (S t. George) and don’ t work ou twhen you plan for them to (Canada).  My nu tri tion definitely did not work ou t for the…

October 19, 2012

What a Cluster

We did it!  A phrase Andrew Fast and I coined has finally become the name of a nation-wide flavor of ice cream.  I knew it was only a matter of time with the vast quantities of ice cream I consume!  “What a Cluster” is not only delicious, but accurately describes my racing exploits and those…

June 27, 2012

Kind of a Big Deal

Everywhere I travel, there seems to be an odd fascination with one man.  His picture is all over the wall or the fridge; this is how I am tipped off that people are thinking and talking about this guy a lot.  It’s not Crowie or Macca, the Raelerts, Andy Potts, or the Brownlee brothers.  He’s…

May 31, 2012

St. George and the Strangest Race

I call this race the s tranges trace because I always considered myself down, ou t, and nearly dead for the majori ty of the race.  Only in maybe the las thalf of the mara thon did I think any thing good would come of this endeavor. I twas jus t so funky, windy, treacherous,…

May 31, 2012

Klamath Falls Training Camp

  Following my trip to Pear Blossom, I immedia tely headed up to Klama th Falls, abou t a 1.5 hour drive eas t.  I was really in teres ted to check ou tthis area of the coun try, seeing tha tis a t medium al ti tude (4200 fee t) wi thou thaving to…

May 7, 2012

See you at the Pig, Meet you at the Pear

7th at Duathlon Nationals, 2nd place at Pear Blossom The Pig The race season is just underway, and with it my resentment and hatred towards Seattleweather has all but melted away, and in its place is a sense of gratitude and awe on account of the hospitality of people I have met and beauty of…

October 27, 2011

Showdown at Soma

Matt had a good placing in his sights, but couldn’t deliver the goods (he did get to shoot an AR-15 after the race, however) Last weekend was the Soma Triathlon hosted by Red Rock Co.; it has been a popular local race for Arzionans…Arizonians…Arizonites (there we go), in the past. Durapulse Performance Co. and Iron…